Short Statement
Please be assured that any information given to us is for our private use only and will not be distributed or sold to any source!
Long Statement has adopted a set of information management guidelines which serves as the basis for our customer relationships. These guidelines have been developed with the recognition that Internet technologies are rapidly evolving, and that underlying business models are still not established. Accordingly, guidelines are subject to change. Any such changes will be posted on this page. does not collect personally identifiable information about individuals except when such individuals specifically provide such information on a voluntary basis. For example, such personally identifiable information may be gathered from a mailing list request, an order or an entry into our guestbook. Personally identifiable information on individual users will not be sold or otherwise transferred to unaffiliated third parties without the approval of the user. At the point of collection, the user will have the opportunity to indicate whether he or she would like to "opt out" of receiving promotional and/or marketing information about other products, services and offerings Further, notwithstanding any opt out of promotional information by the user, reserves the right to contact a visitor regarding account status and other matters relevant to the underlying service and/or the information collected. reserves the right to perform statistical analysis of user behavior and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the site. uses cookies to collect data relative to purchases made by visitors. Users also should be aware that non-personal information and data may be automatically collected by third parties linked to the site through the use of "cookies." "Cookies" are small text files a web site can use to recognize repeat users, facilitate the user's ongoing access to and use of the site and allow a site to track usage behavior and compile aggregate data that will allow content improvements. These cookies are not programs that come onto a user's system and damage files. Generally, cookies work by assigning a unique number to the user that has no meaning outside the assigning site. Users should be aware that cannot control the use of cookies or the resulting information. If a user does not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows the user to deny or accept the cookie feature; however, users should note that cookies are necessary to provide the user with certain features (e.g., placing an order) available on the Site. With cookies turned off orders must be mailed or phoned into us.
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we use PayPal which has put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect the information collected online, including SSL security for credit card submissions. Detailed information about SSL is available from Netscape.
Additionally, users should be aware that when they voluntarily disclose personally identifiable information (e.g., user name, e-mail address) on the reviews of the site, that information, along with any substantive information disclosed in the user's communication, can be collected and correlated and used by third parties and may result in unsolicited messages from other posters or third parties. Such activities are beyond the control of is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of Web sites to which it may link.
Upon request, will allow any user to "opt out" of further promotional contacts at any time. Additionally upon request, will update/correct personal information previously submitted which the user states is erroneous. Also, upon a user's request, will use reasonable efforts to functionally delete the user and his or her personal information from its database; however, it may be impossible to delete a user's entry without some residual information because of backups and records of deletions.
The foregoing policies are effective as of January 1, 2013. reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying users of the existence of a new privacy statement. This statement and the policies outlined herein are not intended to and do not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.